

Quantum Thinkers is an avant-garde venture, which ethical values and purposes drive its profit strategy.

It is an economic association and it works as a democracy: the decision-makers are elected every year by the company’s members.

Our mission is to democratize bio-computer symbiosis with a special focus on neurosoftware and neurotech.

Quantum Thinkers Schrödinger cat

Quantum Thinkers

Our Services

Custom Design For Every Occasion

icon biosensor

Biosensors Rental

Rent a kit of biosensors and bring it home.

The kit can include: EEG headset, hearth-bit sensor, muscles-sensor.

For privates, schools, cultural centers, private companies or public offices.

Brainwaves Generated Music

Create music using your brainwaves.

Request a session and generate music from EEG signals.

For kids & families, adults and elders. At parties, after-works, art/science events, daily care centers.

BCI Workshop

Learn about Biosensors technology.

Our workshop is playful and exploring experience.

For schools, cultural centers, art/science events, museums, private companies and public offices.


Use Our Skills


Biosensor Rental Kit  25 € / week
Brainwaves Generated Music Session 50 € / 30 minutes
BCI Workshop from 500 € / 4 hours



Your Next Project Here

Respond Festival

Every year the Danish Society of Engineers organizes the Respond Festival is an occasion for showcasing state-of-the-art technologies.

The festival’s attendees were asked to wear a BCI headset and play music with their brainwaves.

Reffen / Kulturnatten

Reffen is an urban playground for co-creation, innovation, food and creativity. Reffen takes part at the Kulturnatten (Culture Night) where the entire city opens up for joy and inspiration.

We set up an interactive visual-aural installation for the festivals attendees.


STPLN is a unique meeting place, maker space, and incubator for creative projects located in Malmö (Sweden).

We do periodic workshops at STPLN where everyone is welcomed to come and share ideas and projects in an informal and friendly environment.

Foo Cafe

Foo Café Foo Café is the natural meeting place located in Malmö (Sweden) for everyone passionate about media and technology.

We make periodic conferences about BCIs: what are they, how they work, how to use them.

Tech Festival

Tech-Festival is an occasion to attend interesting conversation on tech. One that takes us beyond Silicon Valley culture, innovation hype and AI-fear. One that anchors tech in society with a human focus to technological progress.

We set up an interactive visual-aural installation for the festivals attendees.

KTH Visualia

Visualia is an electronic art festival that take place at KTH Reaktorhallen (Stockholm), organized by the Nordic Audio Visual Artists association.

We set up an audio-visual installation where the participants were making musing generated by their brainwaves.

How It Looks Like

Sparkling Moments

Sparkling Moments

Our Community

Join Us!

MindLAB Space

A collective of bio-interface adventurer, BCI curious, artists, makers, entrepreneurs, neuroscientists, psychologists, etc.

A place for sharing a decentralized exploration of the human body and mind.

The MindLAB is a friendly Space where to share ideas, knowledge, creations and software with an autonomous and distributed community.

Our Projects

Under Development

Mind Player

Our version of the encephalophone is a portable solution for brainwaves generated music.


O-BIO, is an Open-ecosystem for BIO-sensing-interfaces and IoT.


A fashionable way to wear neurotech.

Neuropatic Pain Predictor

Neuropathic pain predictor through portable EEG and machine learning

The Team

With Much Love

Carmen Carrasco-López

Carmen Carrasco-López


I am a physical therapist by training with ample clinical experience in several European countries. I have a PhD in neuroscience and currently I am working as post-doc at Malmö University (Sweden).

Bhargava Ganti

Bhargava Ganti

Neurotech R&D

I have been tinkering with electronic devices and programming since childhood. This led him to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and masters degrees in Cyber Forensics and Biomedical engineering. While recently working with a Neuro-Gaming company I was responsible for exploring various commercial applications of BCI to solve problems in everyday life. I am also a cognitive algorithms developer and I am always passionate about working in interdisciplinary projects.

Bertilla Fabris

Bertilla Fabris

Electrical Engineering R&D

I define myself as non-binary multividual, technologist with a thing for misunderstood tech,
dapp developer, cyberneticist.

Pierre Clisson

Pierre Clisson

Neurotech R&D

I wear many hats. I am a freelance engineer and consultant, active in the fields of IT security and artificial intelligence, as well as software and web development. I am also a meditation and lucid dreaming teacher, a digital artist and a performer working with bio-signals. A few years ago, all these interests converged on the creation of Timeflux, an open-source framework for building Brain-Computer Interfaces.


Vernita Gouws

Vernita Gouws

Project Management

I am a philosopher, mathematician, writer, teacher, programmer and passionate for technology and psychology, I believes in growing my knowledge base in order to design and create solutions for an utopian future.

Mohit Patil

Mohit Patil


My ambition is to make the neural interfaces an integral and ubiquitous part of our lives. My current research work on Brain Computer Interfaces is my effort towards gaining experience and insight in the field. I am always trying to contribute to the community efforts to drive the neuro-revolution ahead.

 Sachin Prathaban

Sachin Prathaban

Neurotech Engineering

I am an highly energetic, curious and responsible masters graduate student (MSc IT & Cognition), Cognitive Researcher with experience in studying EEG and ECG signals. Dedicated towards empowering research in all branches of science (for society), sprouting from examining the brain and the body. Curious and passionate to understand the fundamental faculties of the human being, and the inter-connected essence of existence expressed through nature and consciousness.

Vijayasri Iyer

Vijayasri Iyer

AI and ML R&D

I am a researcher and developer with an interest in combining the fields of AI. quantum computing and bio-sensing technologies applied to healthcare, autonomous systems and art. Ah! I am also a musician.

Hussein Ramadan

Hussein Ramadan

Business Strategy

I am entrepreneurial and commercially astute, I am a dynamic, motivated and well-grounded change agent with a passion for attaining the unachievable through analysis and collaboration.

 Cecilia Leboeuf

Cecilia Leboeuf

Education Designer

As “Edupreneur” I enjoy to create connections between societal needs and the way education prepares people to interact with their environments in an holistic and sustainable way.

 Herman Fredlund

Herman Fredlund

VR/AR Artist

I am studying as technical artist at The Game Assembly and I am working on a VR-experience about memories and love.

Matteo Mazzanti

Matteo Mazzanti

Project Development

I am have a bachelor degree in philosophy, and twenty+ years work career in software development and IT infrastructure, After 5 years analysis of neurotech trends I coincidentally co-founded Quantum Thinkers.

I believe people make the difference. I am here for democratizing bio-interfaces.

Board of Advisors

With Much Wisdom

Daniel Spikol

Daniel Spikol

Interaction Designer

I am an associate Professor at Malmö University (Sweden), a designer, artist, technologist that has worked developing interactive experiences that range across research, art exhibitions to commercial software.

Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde

Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde

Process Analyst

I am a Professor in Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark. I do research into the areas of epidemiology of back pain and chiropractic treatment. I am a firm believer in the democratic approach to research, i.e. that clinicians should be involved and have a say on relevance and funding. I also appreciate the participation of people who can bring a varied approach to problem solving.


With a Little Help From a Friend


Send Us An Email

14 + 11 =

Quantum Thinkers Ekonomisk Förening

Kronborgsvägen, 13B
217 42, Malmö

+46 728681516
i n f o @ q u a n t u m – t h i n k e r s . o r g

VAT: SE769637704801
Organisationsnummer: 769637-7048